Save the date – Journée de l’Ingénieur 2018

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La Journée de l’Ingénieur 2018 aura lieu  le

samedi, 3 février 2018 à 16h30

à la Chambre de Commerce  à Luxembourg-Kirchberg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi

Conférence par Monsieur Norbert Majerus,

« Lean Driven Innovation »

Lean thinking has revolutionized the manufacturing industry.
Since 2005 its principles have been applied to the
innovation process within Goodyear with even more significant results
The man behind this process is Norbert Majerus.

Born in Luxembourg in 1952 and based in Akron since 1983
Norbert has been Goodyear’s lean champion in research and development.
He is the author of the book titled: « Lean Driven Innovation »

Des informations supplémentaires suivront bientôt.