Conférence «Intelligent Buildings – Smart Buildings»


a le plaisir de vous inviter à la CONFÉRENCE

«Intelligent Buildings – Smart Buildings»

Roland STREBER CEO ProNewTech S.A.

 Mardi 21.10.2014, 19h00, Forum da Vinci

Core building systems (IT rooms, HVAC, lighting, metering etc.) technology has significantly evolved in recent years, which creates both risk and opportunity for real estate development’s financial and strategic objectives.

The changes are going far beyond the traditional real estate support structure such as architects, engineers and contractors are used to. Modern-day mutualized data center based ICT systems create value added building services. They can as well control HVAC, lighting and metering. Computer servers, networks and remote access based cloud services have to be taken into account at the design stage for construction and operations during the life cycle of sustainable buildings. Without a deep understanding of both, ICT and building requirements, it is likely that it will create higher capital expenses and project delays. In addition it will then lead further to rising energy, operational and maintenance costs. Last but not least, there are increasing electronic security risks that need to be addressed during development.

However, with a proper design the different technical and IT equipment can be combined to create numerous advantages such as:

•           Data driven decision-making

•           Higher Energy Efficiency

•           Higher Asset Utilization

•           Reduced capital & operational cost structure

•           Risk identification and management

•           Brand support and enhancement

•           Sustainability

A well planned intelligent building will not necessarily be more expensive than a green building. The return of invest (RoI) will normally be reached after 3 years.

Avec le soutien de ProNewTech S.A.

La conférence est en langue française.

Entrée libre

Date: 21.10.2014, 19h00

Lieu : Forum da Vinci, 6, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte à Luxembourg

Bus: Lignes 6, 7, 12, 15; arrêt « Wampach »
Vel’oh !: Stations les plus proches : Monterey (en face du n°49) ou Convict (Place du Foyer)
Parking: Le long du boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte et dans les rues avoisinantes

Notamment Parking Monterey,…


Revue Technique Luxembourgeoise, Sonja Reichert, t:45 13 54-23,,