Communiqué / release
Call for candidates for the third edition of the “Grand Prix en sciences physiques de l’Institut Grand-ducal / Prix Paul WURTH
Grand Prix en Sciences de l’Institut Grand-Ducal
In cooperation with the “ Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)” and several private sponsors, the “Section des Sciences Naturelles, physiques et mathématiques de l’Institut Grand-ducal” beginning with the year 2010, has awarded each year a researcher (m/f) for either his or her complete work or an exceptional discovery. To be eligible for the award, the researcher must be a Luxembourgian national or a researcher working or having worked in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The prize is currently endowed with 5000 EUR and will be awarded during an academic session November 14th – 2020.
All applications, year by year, must be submitted each year by March 31st latest, by postal and electronic mail (Professor Pierre SECK, Président de la Section des Sciences de l’Institut Grand-ducal, 13, rue Tony Neuman L-2241 Luxembourg ( The application must contain an application letter, a complete curriculum vitae of the candidate as well as a document describing the work and the results that are to be considered by the jury. The regulation of the Grands Prix en Sciences de l’Institut Grand-ducal can be viewed on the web pages of the Section (
The 2010 prize was a prize for physics and is called after its sponsor “Prix Paul WURTH”. The 2011 prize was a prize for mathematics and is called, after its sponsor, “Prix de la Bourse de Luxembourg”. The 2012 prize was a prize for geology and is called, after its sponsor, “Prix FEIDT”. The 2013 prize was a prize for biology and is called after its sponsor, “Prix CACTUS”. The 2014 prize was a prize for chemistry and is called, after its sponsor, “Prix Paul METZ”. From 2020 onwards, the same cycle of awards restarted with the third edition of the prize for physics, the “Prix Paul WURTH”.
About Paul WURTH: Headquartered in Luxembourg since its creation in 1870, the engineering company Paul WURTH is a leading technology provider and supplier of complete plants and facilities for the primary stage of integrated steelmaking. Presently, the company focuses on developing innovative solutions for leading the transformation of the steel industry towards carbon-free steel production. Besides its activities for the iron and steel industry, Paul WURTH is also specialized in the management and coordination of large civil construction and infrastructure projects. With more than 1500 employees, Paul WURTH is active worldwide, operating entities and affiliated companies in the main iron and steelmaking regions of the world.
For any further information, please contact Professor Pierre SECK, President of the “Section des Sciences de l’Institut Grand-ducal” (Tel.: +352 46 66 44 6354 or