125 years: let’s celebrate together!

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Français verfügbar.

Take it as a reminder, though obviously not needed: we will be getting together tomorrow, Friday September 30th, to celebrate de 125th anniversary of our association. Please, note that only registered guests will be admitted at the Tramsschapp, in Luxembourg, where the event is set to take place.

We are honored to count among our guests the Grand Duke Henri. We will also be privileged to welcome Mrs Lydie Polfer, Mayor of Luxembourg, Mr Franz Fayot, Minister of Economy, Cooperation and Humanitarian Action and Mr Claude Meisch, Minister of National Education, Children and Youth.

We will get back to you in the beginning of next week, through a special newsletter, with a large photo gallery picturing our unforgettable get-together.

Please, be sure to arrive by no later than 18:30.

The Programme:

18:30 – Arrival of guests

18:50 – Seating

19:00 – Arrival of H.R.H. the Grand Duke

19:10 – Welcome by Mr Marc Solvi, president of the Association

Opening Words by Mr Franz Fayot and Mr Claude Meisch

Welcome words by Mrs Lydie Polfer

Keynote by Mr Ranga Yogeshwar: “Emil’s Welt”

20:40 – Cocktail and Walking Dinner

The programme will start at 19:00 sharp. The speeches will be held in Luxembourgish, except for the keynote speech wich will be held in German. French interpretation will be made available.